I've been journalling in this way for a few years, but I'd never considered actually setting intentions around it, beginning with reflections or taking the time to acknowledge the wins. I'm going to incorporate these actions going forward for an even sharper focus on what I want to achieve. The results of journaling for me have been amazing, clearing so much space in my head for creative writing.

I still think of that wonderful day I spent last June with you at Clover's memoir writing retreat...I got so much from it! Have a lovely bank holiday weekend! x

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Awww I loved reading your comment. Thanks so much Jil I’m thrilled to be reconnected. Sounds like you’re quite the journaling pro. How long to do journal for at a time? Do you journal at a specific time of day? Any favourite journaling tools you’d like to recommend? Hope you enjoy a wonderful bank holiday weekend xx

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Thank you Tanya xx I do a 'morning pages' style of journalling a few mornings a week, on waking, even when I don't think I need to there's always something lurking in there which needs working through. I have another journal which is for dreams and interpretations and more diary-style writing...what's been happening, what my thoughts are about it. I also vlog most days and post it to youtube on a private channel. The morning pages is fascinating because I find that once I've written all the petty, embarrassing rubbish that's been swirling around and really worked on the knotty parts, fresh ideas come flooding through literally whilst I'm writing and I have to quickly switch to my third journal, which is work stuff. I suppose this and my stationery addiction feed one another!!

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It’s a brilliant ritual and in my case a non-negotiable 💫

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