I've a treat for you Tanya in the form of another interview with Garner, and potentially a new podcast to get into if you haven't listened before!

Chat 10 Looks 3 is a wonderfully fun listen between two Aussie middle age friends who happen to be powerhouses in the realms of politics, cooking and the literary world, talking about all the things they've been watching/reading/listening to and what not.

They love Helen Garner and often reference her, and this interview was a "birthday treat" for co-host Annabelle Crabb (whose counterpart is Leigh Sales) xx


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Ooh thank you so much Lauren, very kind of you to share your recommendation. Looking forward to listening to it later 👌💫🙏 I think I’ve become an overnight Garner super fan 😂

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You're very welcome haha, enjoyyy! ☺️💫📚

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It’s bloody brilliant. I love her witty attitude! She is the best !

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Such an icon! Hope you're enjoying the books too !

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