I keep a ‘One line a day’ diary, it’s really fun to look back and see what you were doing on that day in years past. Emotions sometimes creep in to.

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I like your distinction between diary and journal. I think back on my 7th grade diary where I listed what we did on a holiday, what presents I received on my birthday, and what boy I liked that week!

I've been with my husband for 37 years so he's the only love I write about now in my journal! To me a journal encompasses the day to day as well as the sensory details to thicken the memory if you desire to go back and relive a special moment.

Then reflecting on my day, what I did, what did I learn, How did I feel from the beginning of the day to the end and what impacted my book. My journal is my pause place where I can release emotions, ponder problems, let out anger but also take note of what matters.

My journal is a reflection of me so the more I write in it and the more varied my observations and reflections, the healthier I feel on all levels.

So enjoying your publication! Appreciate you!

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