Thanks, Tanya, that's clarified things in my mind. I think I've kind of dabbled a little in therapeutic journaling albeit without knowing. A few years ago, I tried doing morning pages; at the time, I was going through a pretty bad patch at work and essentially dumped all of that onto the page each day. It certainly helped me not to have a complete meltdown as a result of the situation, and I was able to start to work out a way to deal with it. Looking forward to learning more at the workshop next month!
My pleasure. I think MP are fine if you don’t have a chaotic start to the day. I meet so many women who have a busy morning. Up at 6am and not at their desk until 10am. Mainly due to the fact they have kids to wake, breakfast to make, packed lunches to prep, school drop, dog walk, life errands and the list goes on. Nobody wants to journal in amongst that. I know only too well. Because that’s my morning I’ve just described 😂. I suggest anytime pages. I know Julia Cameron would have a stern word with me. But when it comes to anytime pages or no journaling at all, I know which option I’d select every time. See you on the 19th 💫
Love that! Body dump. I need one b
Brain dump! Best way to put it in the fewest words. :)
I love a brain dump more like a full body dump these days 😂
Thanks, Tanya, that's clarified things in my mind. I think I've kind of dabbled a little in therapeutic journaling albeit without knowing. A few years ago, I tried doing morning pages; at the time, I was going through a pretty bad patch at work and essentially dumped all of that onto the page each day. It certainly helped me not to have a complete meltdown as a result of the situation, and I was able to start to work out a way to deal with it. Looking forward to learning more at the workshop next month!
My pleasure. I think MP are fine if you don’t have a chaotic start to the day. I meet so many women who have a busy morning. Up at 6am and not at their desk until 10am. Mainly due to the fact they have kids to wake, breakfast to make, packed lunches to prep, school drop, dog walk, life errands and the list goes on. Nobody wants to journal in amongst that. I know only too well. Because that’s my morning I’ve just described 😂. I suggest anytime pages. I know Julia Cameron would have a stern word with me. But when it comes to anytime pages or no journaling at all, I know which option I’d select every time. See you on the 19th 💫