Hey how are you?
Did you survive the first of the three bank holiday weekends?
It’s certainly all happening here in May

This coming Friday I host a memoir writing day retreat with best selling author Clover Stroud, as you know, Saturday it’s the Coronation and then yet another Bank Holiday Monday. Are you a bank holiday lover or hater?!
Out of all the three events I have looming this weekend, Friday will be the most fun!
I’m not really bothered about the Royal Family and Bank Holiday Mondays are either forecast with rain or if we are blessed with glorious weather, everyone seems to be at the tip, which doesn’t motivate me to do any gardening or DIY.
So it’s Tuesday and I’m feeling rather calm. Well, I am now, a few hours after the calamity with my goofball ridgebacks. I’d decided last minute to go countryside rather than coastal for the dog walk today, all to save time. Big mistake! I spent the majority of the morning cleaning the dogs, you name it they rolled in it, mud, cow pat and fox poo. Then as I finally sat down to work, I split my flat white all over my desk. Is it mercury’s fault I wonder?! I’ve had better mornings that’s for sure.

Calling all dog lovers/owners, what is your best solution for getting rid of the awful smells of vermin aka fox shit? I’d been advised to use tomato ketchup or baby oil. I’m not sure on the ketchup and I’m not exactly in the mood to buy baby oil this afternoon. So any alternative top tips will be most welcomed. Thanks in advance
So after this mornings drama, I went through my day retreat ‘to do’ list. Which I actually love checking over. Emailing guests, making sure they have their travel directions, check the caterer knows the timings, filling the goody bags with delightful gifts and looking forward to my one night stay in mollie’s motel - highly recommend if you need a place to stay, it’s just fabulous and almost central to Oxford.
It’s surprising all the little details that go into hosting retreats. Never a dull moment and there is always something extra special to add into the day for the guests. Just a thought… would you like me to share the behind the scenes of ease retreats with you one day?
I’d love to know if you’ve ever been on a writing retreat, where you travelled to and who the guest writer was. What did you enjoy most about it? Would you go on another writing retreat and why?
Well I best get back to some paperwork before the school bell chimes.
Until the next time
Take care and stay safe
Tanya xx

I’m joining you for Fridays retreat Tanya, and couldn’t be more excited! It will mark the highlight in my bank holiday weekend calendar too and I’m very much looking forward to meeting everyone.
As for eau d’fox, it’s been suggested to me to lean on ketchup, although I’ve not followed up on this advice. Instead, I just shampoo and shampoo and then spritz them with a rather delightful smelling dog ‘perfume’ which seems to eliminate the ghastly odour, it’s revolting and just clings like tar !
Not sure if you can share links in people's posts so I better not - but there is a really good Fox Poo Shampoo, yes, that's the name of it by Animology. 🦊 🐾 And YES why do people always want to go the tip on a BH? 🤣 Thanks for telling me when the coronations was too... I'd assumed it was Monday, shows how much I know... not a lot as I don't watch the news. 🌻