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Hi new followers, welcome to 'With Ease', I am thrilled you have joined our community of mindful explorers. I do like to ramble and 'Rage on a Page' by showing up every day to share stories through the lens of a 49’er. Through my Substack I have one BIG mission... to encourage as many people as possible to adopt a regular journaling practice. Simply by starting with just one word a day. Because journaling isn’t magic but it can be transformational.
If you’ve been reading my Substack for a few weeks you’ll know I like to publish a few therapeutic journaling prompts to help us channel our emotions into something more positive and creative.
For the newbies, I’d like to introduce you to ‘Sunday WORD:ship’ - a unique blend of reflection, introspection, and gentle therapeutic journaling, designed to ease you into Sunday evening and set the tone for the week ahead.
These sessions offer a refreshing twist on the traditional concept of Sunday worship. It’s not about dogma or doctrine but about finding a personal sanctuary within words and reflection. Each weekly session provides a tranquil space to pause, ponder and connect with yourself before diving into the hustle of the week.
For the Sunday WORD:ship gatherings, I’ve curated a handful of therapeutic journaling prompts aimed at nurturing your emotional wellbeing, cultivating gratitude and guiding you towards a more mindful and intentional week. These prompts serve as gentle invitations to explore your thoughts, feelings and aspirations when you can find a few minutes to journal before bed.
Please join me every Sunday on this journey of discovery and reflection, where we embrace the power of words to nourish our souls and set the tone for a week of purpose, resilience and inner peace. It’s not just about journaling; it’s about crafting a Sunday evening ritual that honours your pace and sets a positive tone for the days ahead.
I hope these following few prompts can help you ease into the new week ahead…
1.Reflections of the Weekend - Describe a moment form the weekend that brought you joy and peace. How cam you carry that feeling into the week?
2.Embracing Change - Write about one thing you’re looking forward to in the week ahead and how can you approach it with a sense of openness and positivity
3.Navigating Challenges - List potential challenges or stressors you foresee in the upcoming week. How can you approach these challenges with resilience and ease?
4.Mind-Body Connection - Write down any thoughts or feelings you want to release or leave behind as you start the week. What activities or habits supports this harmony?
5.Mindful Monday Start - Describe how you want to begin your Monday mindfully. What small ritual or practice can set a positive tone for the rest of the week?
If you enjoyed the above prompts, here are a few more centred around easing into January, emphasising the importance of setting your own pace and savouring the winter season…
1. Setting the Tone - Describe how you want to approach the rest of January. How can you create a pace that feels comfortable and nurturing for you amidst the rush of new year.
2. Embracing Slow Living - Explore the idea of “wintering” and the concept of taking things at your own pace. What does this mean to you, and how can you integrate it into your life?
3. Releasing Expectations - Write about any pressure you might feel to keep up with others pace during January. How can you release these expectations and embrace your own journey?
4. Finding Light in Darkness - Reflect on the symbolism of winter - the darkness and the light. How can you embrace darkness as a time for rest and reflection?
5. Journaling as Sanctuary - Describe how journaling provides a sanctuary for you to express yourself without judgement or comparison. How does it feel to write freely about your thoughts and feelings?
Here’s to a calm and peaceful week ahead. I look forward to connecting with you more over the next few days and if you ever have any therapeutic journaling queries, don’t be shy, leave a question in the comments.
Until the next time
Take care and stay safe xxx